Cargo resources
Learn how FM Cargo can protect your goods during transit.
Protect your goods from ship to shore
In a global economy, multinational companies need to protect their goods in transit to stay competitive and protect their supply chain. Whether you ship by land, sea or air, our cargo insurance coverage provides solid protection from the moment your goods leave the warehouse until they arrive at their destination.
We understand the issues that impact your business, including just-in-time delivery, supply chain complexities and business interruption exposures. And we tailor our terms and conditions to suit specific transportation or protection needs—including exhibitions, sales samples and marine business interruption.
You can purchase cargo insurance coverage—and the optional business interruption endorsement, FM Cargo Time Element SelectTM —with an existing FM all-risk policy to close any potential coverage gaps.
Protect your business against lost or damaged goods, cargo-related crime, natural disasters, evolving geopolitical concerns, and an ever-changing global business environment.
Our cargo risk engineering services can help protect your products while shipping by land, sea or air.