File a cargo claim
Download our claims filing procedures form to begin the claims process and find the appropriate cargo claims specialist.
Prompt and professional handling
Non-delivered or damaged goods. Cargo-related crime. Natural disasters. Evolving geopolitical concerns. An ever-changing global business environment makes even the most well-protected supply chain vulnerable.
If a loss does occur, FM Cargo has worldwide capabilities to get your claim resolved promptly and fairly.
Following a loss, our staff of cargo claims specialists and cargo adjusters work with you to:
Once your claim is resolved, FM Cargo may provide in-depth, post-loss analysis to determine what went wrong and establish solutions to mitigate future risk.
Download our claims filing procedures form to begin the claims process and find the appropriate cargo claims specialist.
Streamline the shipping process by generating or canceling marine policy certificates, using our secure online system.
Whether you ship by land, sea or air, protect your goods from the moment they leave the warehouse until they arrive at their destination.
Our cargo risk engineering services can help protect your products while shipping by land, sea or air.