Feature Article

Get FM's award-winning hurricane loss control center

Publish Date : 27 June 2021

Earns 2021 “outstanding achievement award” from the national hurricane conference (nhc)


Want to keep hurricane, typhoon and cyclone loss prevention tools at your fingertips? FM’s first-of-its kind Hurricane, Typhoon and Cyclone Loss Control Center provides that vital information for global business leaders. The National Hurricane Conference (NHC) has recognized FM for this online and interactive resource with a 2021 “Outstanding Achievement Award.”

According to the NHC, the award highlights “individuals or organizations who're doing things in a new or better way and which are worthy of emulation by others around the country.” They characterized the web-based Center as an “innovative program to help guide and educate global business leaders as they consider ways to help prevent loss from hurricanes and similar hazards.” Nearly 19,000 people have visited the site since its launch at the start of the 2020 hurricane season.

“Climate resilience is a choice business leaders can make,” said Jessica Waters, staff vice president, senior engineering technical specialist, natural hazards, at FM. “Losses stemming from extreme weather, rising climate-related property risks, increased urbanization in harm’s way and supply chains extending into exposed areas, are largely preventable. We appreciate the National Hurricane Conference for recognizing the Center and helping spread the word.”

FM’s Hurricane, Typhoon and Cyclone Loss Control Center is tailored to business leaders who are preoccupied with other day-to-day concerns. It makes it quick, easy and appealing for visitors to educate themselves about resilience strategies that can protect their business, brand, market share and overall value. The center includes video, quizzes and choose-your-own-narrative features to make for an engaging and impactful experience. These techniques put the visitor in the decision-maker’s shoes, illustrating what is at stake–a business’s very viability.

Visit FM’s Hurricane, Typhoon and Cyclone Loss Control Center.

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