Fire service training & funding

Training, education and funding to assist the fire service

Fighting fire in commercial and industrial locations can be challenging and become more costly than it needs to be. Is your department fully ready? Properly equipped and trained fire service agencies can help limit damage from a fire or other emergency. FM is committed to assisting fire service agencies worldwide.

FM provides free resources for the fire service to help them better understand facilities where they are called to respond. The FM Fire Prevention Grant Program and the Fire Service Training Grant Program offer funding and training for various needs within the fire service community. The training will help your fire service teams to better handle industrial fires in large commercial and industrial buildings.

Training and resources include:

  • Fighting fire in sprinklered buildings
  • Fire attack for commercial/industrial facilities
  • Ignitable liquids and gases
  • Inspecting, testing and maintaining fire protection systems
  • Pre-Incident planning
  • And many more

FM has a worldwide reputation for its fire loss prevention expertise, and as one of the world's leading insurers of business properties, our scientists and engineers have collected decades of fire protection data.

Combine your expertise with ours to help you be better prepared to protect facilities within your jurisdiction.

Ressources sur la lutte incendie

  • La lutte incendie dans les bâtiments protégés par sprinkleurs

    Pour tout savoir sur les protections sprinkleur automatiques et mettre en place un plan de coordination avec les pompiers efficace, qui optimisera leurs éventuelles interventions sur vos sites.

    Inscrivez-vous dès maintenant
  • Fire hydrant

    FM Fire Prevention Grant Program

    Ces aides financières visent à soutenir des initiatives de prévention, de préparation et de contrôle, notamment en matière de planification, de sensibilisation/formation à la prévention incendie, de formation à la prévention des incendies criminels et de procédures d’enquête en cas d’incendie.

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  • Piece of paper

    Fiches techniques FM

    Tirez profit de près de 200 ans d’expérience : consultez nos fiches techniques pour réduire vos risques de dommages aux biens.

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    Guide des produits agréés FM

    Vous cherchez les matériaux adéquats pour réduire les risques et protéger vos installations en conformité avec la législation locale ? Choisissez des produits agréés FM.

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